Mark3 Realtime Kernel
blocking.h File Reference

Blocking object base class declarations. More...

#include "kerneltypes.h"
#include "mark3cfg.h"
#include "ll.h"
#include "threadlist.h"

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class  Mark3::BlockingObject
 The BlockingObject class. Class implementing thread-blocking primatives. used for implementing things like semaphores, mutexes, message queues, or anything else that could cause a thread to suspend execution on some external stimulus. More...



Detailed Description

Blocking object base class declarations.

A Blocking object in Mark3 is essentially a thread list. Any blocking object implementation (being a semaphore, mutex, event flag, etc.) can be built on top of this class, utilizing the provided functions to manipu32ate thread location within the Kernel.

Blocking a thread results in that thread becoming de-scheduled, placed in the blocking object's own private list of threads which are waiting on the object.

Unblocking a thread results in the reverse: The thread is moved back to its original location from the blocking list.

The only difference between a blocking object based on this class is the logic used to determine what consitutes a Block or Unblock condition.

For instance, a semaphore Pend operation may result in a call to the Block() method with the currently-executing thread in order to make that thread wait for a semaphore Post. That operation would then invoke the UnBlock() method, removing the blocking thread from the semaphore's list, and back into the the appropriate thread inside the scheduler.

Care must be taken when implementing blocking objects to ensure that critical sections are used judiciously, otherwise asynchronous events like timers and interrupts could result in non-deterministic and often catastrophic behavior.

Definition in file blocking.h.