Mark3 Realtime Kernel
src Directory Reference


directory  arch
directory  public


file  atomic.cpp [code]
 Basic Atomic Operations.
file  autoalloc.cpp [code]
 Automatic memory allocation for kernel objects.
file  blocking.cpp [code]
 Implementation of base class for blocking objects.
file  colist.cpp [code]
 CoRoutine List structure implementation.
file  condvar.cpp [code]
 Condition Variable implementation.
file  coroutine.cpp [code]
 Coroutine object implementation.
file  cosched.cpp [code]
 CoRoutine Scheduler implementation.
file  eventflag.cpp [code]
 Event Flag Blocking Object/IPC-Object implementation.
file  kernel.cpp [code]
 Kernel initialization and startup code.
file  ksemaphore.cpp [code]
 Semaphore Blocking-Object Implemenation.
file  ll.cpp [code]
 Core Linked-List implementation, from which all kernel objects are derived.
file  lockguard.cpp [code]
 Mutex RAII helper class.
file  mailbox.cpp [code]
 Mailbox + Envelope IPC mechanism.
file  message.cpp [code]
 Inter-thread communications via message passing.
file  mutex.cpp [code]
 Mutual-exclusion object.
file  notify.cpp [code]
 Lightweight thread notification - blocking object.
file  profile.cpp [code]
 Code profiling utilities.
file  quantum.cpp [code]
 Thread Quantum Implementation for Round-Robin Scheduling.
file  readerwriter.cpp [code]
 Reader-writer lock implementation.
file  scheduler.cpp [code]
 Strict-Priority + Round-Robin thread scheduler implementation.
file  thread.cpp [code]
 Platform-Independent thread class Definition.
file  threadlist.cpp [code]
 Thread linked-list definitions.
file  threadlistlist.cpp [code]
 Class implementing a doubly-linked list of thread lists.
file  timer.cpp [code]
 Timer implementations.
file  timerlist.cpp [code]
 Implements timer list processing algorithms, responsible for all timer tick and expiry logic.