Mark3 Realtime Kernel

This example demonstrates how to create and use software timers.

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--[Mark3 Realtime Platform]--------------------------------------------------
Copyright (c) 2012 - 2019 m0slevin, all rights reserved.
See license.txt for more information
#include "mark3.h"
Lab Example 6: using Periodic and One-shot timers.
Lessons covered in this example include:
Demonstration of the periodic and one-shot timer APIs provided by Mark3
Mark3 can be used to provide flexible one-shot and periodic timers.
extern "C" {
void __cxa_pure_virtual(void) {}
void DebugPrint(const char* szString_);
using namespace Mark3;
// This block declares the thread data for one main application thread. It
// defines a thread object, stack (in word-array form), and the entry-point
// function used by the application thread.
Thread clApp1Thread;
void App1Main(void* unused_);
// idle thread -- do nothing
Thread clIdleThread;
void IdleMain(void* /*unused_*/)
while (1) {}
void PeriodicCallback(Thread* owner, void* pvData_)
// Timer callback function used to post a semaphore. Posting the semaphore
// will wake up a thread that's pending on that semaphore.
auto* pclSem = static_cast<Semaphore*>(pvData_);
void OneShotCallback(Thread* owner, void* pvData_)
Kernel::DebugPrint("One-shot timer expired.\n");
void App1Main(void* unused_)
Timer clMyTimer; // Periodic timer object
Timer clOneShot; // One-shot timer object
Semaphore clMySem; // Semaphore used to wake this thread
// Initialize a binary semaphore (maximum value of one, initial value of
// zero).
clMySem.Init(0, 1);
// Start a timer that triggers every 500ms that will call PeriodicCallback.
// This timer simulates an external stimulus or event that would require
// an action to be taken by this thread, but would be serviced by an
// interrupt or other high-priority context.
// PeriodicCallback will post the semaphore which wakes the thread
// up to perform an action. Here that action consists of a trivial message
// print.
clMyTimer.Start(true, 500, PeriodicCallback, (void*)&clMySem);
// Set up a one-shot timer to print a message after 2.5 seconds, asynchronously
// from the execution of this thread.
clOneShot.Start(false, 2500, OneShotCallback, 0);
while (1) {
// Wait until the semaphore is posted from the timer expiry
// Take some action after the timer posts the semaphore to wake this
// thread.
Kernel::DebugPrint("Thread Triggered.\n");
} // anonymous namespace
using namespace Mark3;
int main(void)
// See the annotations in previous labs for details on init.
clIdleThread.Init(awIdleStack, sizeof(awIdleStack), 0, IdleMain, 0);
clApp1Thread.Init(awApp1Stack, sizeof(awApp1Stack), 1, App1Main, 0);
return 0;