Mark3 Realtime Kernel

This example demonstrates basic kernel setup with two threads.

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--[Mark3 Realtime Platform]--------------------------------------------------
Copyright (c) 2012 - 2019 m0slevin, all rights reserved.
See license.txt for more information
#include "mark3.h"
Lab Example 1: Initializing the Mark3 RTOS kernel with two threads.
The following example code presents a working example of how to initialize
the Mark3 RTOS kernel, configure two application threads, and execute the
configured tasks. This example also uses the flAVR kernel-aware module to
print out messages when run through the flAVR AVR Simulator. This is a
turnkey-ready example of how to use the Mark3 RTOS at its simplest level,
and should be well understood before moving on to other examples.
Lessons covered in this example include:
- usage of the Kernel class - configuring and starting the kernel
- usage of the Thread class - initializing and starting static threads.
- Demonstrate the relationship between Thread objects, stacks, and entry
- usage of Thread::Sleep() to block execution of a thread for a period of time
- When using an idle thread, the idle thread MUST not block.
- Add another application thread that prints a message, flashes an LED, etc.
using the code below as an example.
At the end of this example, the reader should be able to use the Mark3
Kernel and Thread APIs to initialize and start the kernel with any number
of static threads.
extern "C" {
void __cxa_pure_virtual(void) {}
void DebugPrint(const char* szString_);
using namespace Mark3;
// This block declares the thread data for the main application thread. It
// defines a thread object, stack (in word-array form), and the entry-point
// function used by the application thread.
Thread clAppThread;
void AppMain(void* unused_);
// This block declares the thread data for the idle thread. It defines a
// thread object, stack (in word-array form), and the entry-point function
// used by the idle thread.
Thread clIdleThread;
void IdleMain(void* unused_);
void AppMain(void* unused_)
// This function is run from within the application thread. Here, we
// simply print a friendly greeting and allow the thread to sleep for a
// while before repeating the message. Note that while the thread is
// sleeping, CPU execution will transition to the Idle thread.
while (1) {
Kernel::DebugPrint("Hello World!\n");
void IdleMain(void* unused_)
while (1) {
// Low priority task + power management routines go here.
// The actions taken in this context must *not* cause the thread
// to block, as the kernel requires that at least one thread is
// schedulable at all times when not using an idle thread.
// Note that if you have no special power-management code or idle
// tasks, an empty while(1){} loop is sufficient to guarantee that
// condition.
} // anonymous namespace
using namespace Mark3;
int main(void)
// Before any Mark3 RTOS APIs can be called, the user must call Kernel::Init().
// Note that if you have any hardware-specific init code, it can be called
// before Kernel::Init, so long as it does not enable interrupts, or
// rely on hardware peripherals (timer, software interrupt, etc.) used by the
// kernel.
// Once the kernel initialization has been complete, the user can add their
// application thread(s) and idle thread. Threads added before the kerel
// is started are refered to as the "static threads" in the system, as they
// are the default working-set of threads that make up the application on
// kernel startup.
// Initialize the application thread to use a specified word-array as its stack.
// The thread will run at priority level "1", and start execution the
// "AppMain" function when it's started.
clAppThread.Init(awAppStack, sizeof(awAppStack), 1, AppMain, 0);
// Initialize the idle thread to use a specific word-array as its stack.
// The thread will run at priority level "0", which is reserved for the idle
// priority thread. IdleMain will be run when the thread is started.
clIdleThread.Init(awIdleStack, sizeof(awIdleStack), 0, IdleMain, 0);
// Once the static threads have been added, the user must then ensure that the
// threads are ready to execute. By default, creating a thread is created
// in a STOPPED state. All threads must manually be started using the
// Start() API before they will be scheduled by the system. Here, we are
// starting the application and idle threads before starting the kernel - and
// that's OK. When the kernel is started, it will choose which thread to run
// first from the pool of ready threads.
// All threads have been initialized and made ready. The kernel will now
// select the first thread to run, enable the hardware required to run the
// kernel (Timers, software interrupts, etc.), and then do whatever is
// necessary to maneuver control of thread execution to the kernel. At this
// point, execution will transition to the highest-priority ready thread.
// This function will not return.
// As Kernel::Start() results in the operating system being executed, control
// will not be relinquished back to main(). The "return 0" is simply to
// avoid warnings.
return 0;