Mark3 Realtime Kernel

This examples shows how to use mailboxes to deliver data between threads in a synchronized way.

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--[Mark3 Realtime Platform]--------------------------------------------------
Copyright (c) 2012 - 2019 m0slevin, all rights reserved.
See license.txt for more information
#include "mark3.h"
Lab Example 11: Mailboxes
Lessons covered in this example include:
- Initialize a mailbox for use as an IPC mechanism.
- Create and use mailboxes to pass data between threads.
- Mailboxes are a powerful IPC mechanism used to pass messages of a fixed-size
between threads.
extern "C" {
void __cxa_pure_virtual(void) {}
void DebugPrint(const char* szString_);
using namespace Mark3;
Thread clApp1Thread;
void App1Main(void* unused_);
Thread clApp2Thread;
void App2Main(void* unused_);
// idle thread -- do nothing
Thread clIdleThread;
void IdleMain(void* /*unused_*/)
while (1) {}
Mailbox clMailbox;
uint8_t au8MBData[100];
typedef struct {
uint8_t au8Buffer[10];
} MBType_t;
void App1Main(void* unused_)
while (1) {
MBType_t stMsg;
// Wait until there is an envelope available in the shared mailbox, and
// then log a trace message.
// KernelAware::Trace(0, __LINE__, stMsg.au8Buffer[0], stMsg.au8Buffer[9]);
void App2Main(void* unused_)
while (1) {
MBType_t stMsg;
// Place a bunch of envelopes in the mailbox, and then wait for a
// while. Note that this thread has a higher priority than the other
// thread, so it will keep pushing envelopes to the other thread until
// it gets to the sleep, at which point the other thread will be allowed
// to execute.
Kernel::DebugPrint("Messages Begin\n");
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 10; j++) { stMsg.au8Buffer[j] = (i * 10) + j; }
Kernel::DebugPrint("Messages End\n");
} // anonymous namespace
using namespace Mark3;
int main(void)
// See the annotations in previous labs for details on init.
clIdleThread.Init(awIdleStack, sizeof(awIdleStack), 0, IdleMain, 0);
// Initialize the threads used in this example
clApp1Thread.Init(awApp1Stack, sizeof(awApp1Stack), 1, App1Main, 0);
clApp2Thread.Init(awApp2Stack, sizeof(awApp2Stack), 2, App2Main, 0);
// Initialize the mailbox used in this example
clMailbox.Init(au8MBData, 100, sizeof(MBType_t));
return 0;